User interface#
MapX is a web application constituted by an interactive map where geospatial layers can be displayed, a data catalog environment, and a set of functionalities (tools) to, among other things, interrogate, interact, export the data displayed in the map.

MapX user interface elements#
The MapX user interface is made up of 4 distinct elements which complete the interactive map and which are:
The Work environment contains several key elements of MapX: the Data catalog which allows users to select views to display on the map, the Toolbox and the Search tool. This environment also allows users to register in the application, select a project to explore and change the interface language.
The Menu bar contains the Navigation buttons that allow interaction with the map (e.g., zoom, rotation, theme, globe mode) and provides access to some of the MapX tools such as the Map composer or the Sharing tool.
The Notification panel informs users if an error has occurred in MapX. In addition, some tools (e.g., download) send information to users via the notification system.
The scale of the map as well as the coordinates of the pointer are displayed in this area.
Except for the scale and pointer coordinates, other interface elements can be hidden by clicking on the square buttons located in the corners of the application.