
MapX is an open-source online application for managing and visualizing geospatial data on natural resources, developed by UNEP/GRID-Geneva , a data centre resulting from the partnership between UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, and the University of Geneva. Field applications of MapX are varied and include biodiversity planning, chemicals management, climate change, disaster risk reduction, environmental security, extractive industries, land use planning, and renewable energy, but they are not limited to these topics. MapX targets a wide community of users that are primarily UNEP, the Secretariats of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and other UN agencies mandated to collect and use geospatial data in environmental decision making. Civil society groups, non-governmental organizations, academia and citizens complement this set of users. MapX was designed in 2014 and since then continuously improved with wide international stakeholder consultations.