The MapX Metadata Standard is composed of:
mandatory metadata elements (prevent saving metadata if they are not filled in)
recommended metadata elements (minimum to be provided so that users can discover the data and determine if it is suitable for their use)
A warning sign is displayed in the interface to inform users that some recommended elements are missing (link).
optional metadata elements to allow for a more detailed description of the data
Description of the MapX Metadata Standard#
Text: textual description of the data using title, abstract and tags
Title m (multilingual): title given to the source in the MapX tools
Abstract m (multilingual): detailed description of the dataset
Additional notes (multilingual): any other relevant information to be provided to MapX users (processing performed on the data, modifications, disclaimer, citation, etc.)
Keywords: keywords (or tags) help users discover your data. Please include terms that can be used by a technical and non-technical audience.
Keywords r (user-defined)
Geographic Keywords m (based on Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49) )
GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET ) keywords
Attribute description (multilingual): description of the attributes contained in the dataset
Alias for attribute names: short names (aliases) for attributes can be defined in this section. It’s often valuable to replace technical or truncated attribute names by something clearer. For example, a source using the attribute name
would be more comprehensive with: “Average monthly precipitation [mm]”. Aliases are used when the attribute table is consulted or when an feature is queried in the map.Language: language(s) used in dataset content
Temporal: description of the dataset using temporal references
Periodicity: frequency at which the data is published or updated
Release date: date of formal issuance
Last update: date of the latest update
Range: the time range covered by the data
Check box: whether the data has no time range (yes/no)
Start: initial date covered by the data
End: end date covered by the data
Spatial: description of the data using spatial reference (automatically filled by MapX)
Spatial reference system: description of the spatial reference system
Code of the SRS (EPSG)
URL to the SRS code definition
Bounding box: spatial bounding box of the data using latitude and longitude
Contact r: information about people or organization related to this data (e.g., data provider)
Source: origin of the dataset and how to retrieve it
Homepage r: homepage (URL) of the data or, where applicable, that of the data provider
Sources: link to retrieve the data
Check box: whether the link contains a query to retrieve the data automatically (yes/no)
URL r: direct link to download the data or, where applicable, link to a webpage where the data is accessible
Licensing: If any, description of the data license(s)
List of licenses r: name and/or description of the license
Annexes: list of online documents (URL) related to the dataset, such as a technical report or a scientific publication.
m mandatory metadata elements; r recommended metadata elements