
The MapX Metadata Standard is composed of:

  • mandatory metadata elements (prevent saving metadata if they are not filled in)

  • recommended metadata elements (minimum to be provided so that users can discover the data and determine if it is suitable for their use)


    A warning sign is displayed in the interface to inform users that some recommended elements are missing (link).

  • optional metadata elements to allow for a more detailed description of the data

Description of the MapX Metadata Standard#

  1. Text: textual description of the data using title, abstract and tags

    • Title m (multilingual): title given to the source in the MapX tools

    • Abstract m (multilingual): detailed description of the dataset

    • Additional notes (multilingual): any other relevant information to be provided to MapX users (processing performed on the data, modifications, disclaimer, citation, etc.)

    • Keywords: keywords (or tags) help users discover your data. Please include terms that can be used by a technical and non-technical audience.

    • Attribute description (multilingual): description of the attributes contained in the dataset

    • Alias for attribute names: short names (aliases) for attributes can be defined in this section. It’s often valuable to replace technical or truncated attribute names by something clearer. For example, a source using the attribute name x_1Mp_mean would be more comprehensive with: “Average monthly precipitation [mm]”. Aliases are used when the attribute table is consulted or when an feature is queried in the map.



    • Language: language(s) used in dataset content

  2. Temporal: description of the dataset using temporal references

    • Issuance:

      • Periodicity: frequency at which the data is published or updated

      • Release date: date of formal issuance

      • Last update: date of the latest update

    • Range: the time range covered by the data

      • Check box: whether the data has no time range (yes/no)

      • Start: initial date covered by the data

      • End: end date covered by the data

  3. Spatial: description of the data using spatial reference (automatically filled by MapX)

    • Spatial reference system: description of the spatial reference system

      • Code of the SRS (EPSG)

      • URL to the SRS code definition

    • Bounding box: spatial bounding box of the data using latitude and longitude

  4. Contact r: information about people or organization related to this data (e.g., data provider)

  5. Source: origin of the dataset and how to retrieve it

    • Homepage r: homepage (URL) of the data or, where applicable, that of the data provider

    • Sources: link to retrieve the data

      • Check box: whether the link contains a query to retrieve the data automatically (yes/no)

      • URL r: direct link to download the data or, where applicable, link to a webpage where the data is accessible

  6. Licensing: If any, description of the data license(s)

    • List of licenses r: name and/or description of the license

  7. Annexes: list of online documents (URL) related to the dataset, such as a technical report or a scientific publication.

m mandatory metadata elements; r recommended metadata elements